Thursday, August 03, 2006

God is faithful!

These past few weeks have been hard for me. But in the same time frame God has shown me that He is there for me. He has breathed for me when I felt overwhelmed with the pain of parting. I know that God is in control of both our lives however it does not make loosing your best friend any easier. I am excited to see where He is taking both of us in this next step in our lives. He is so faithful even when things are rough! See here His awesome beauty in this waterfall. It was so great to be up in the mountains and see all around me His splendor! My God is an awesome God through the ups and downs! On the way home we where on the twisty turny roads and it kind reminded me that God is God no matter if I am going up or down! I am so blessed to have seen His splendor this past few days!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Truly blessed!

This was in my online daily devotional (Blue words). And it came to me right after an email from just such a friend yesterday. I am so reminded of how blessed I am to have some pretty amazing friends and a God who put us together.

In one of our exchanges he wrote, “In any event, if you ever get discouraged or need a sounding board, please don't hesitate to contact me. My brow may be thick, but my shoulders are broad, and candidly, not too much surprises me anymore.”

I love that. You don't hear this kind of thing from just anybody. In fact if you hear it at all, you are a fortunate person. His statement contains two elements necessary before a relationship can grow: a willingness to bear another's burden and a commitment to total acceptance.
Though they are sufficiently broad, the shoulders he's offering are not physical; they are emotional. We are all called to “bear one another's burdens and thereby fulfill the law of Christ,” and later “for each one will bear his own load.” (Galatians 6:2, 5) That is to say: There are burdens and then there are burdens. There are certain weights of responsibility we are all expected to carry, but there will always be heavy loads too big for one set of shoulders. This is when we need someone to help shoulder our burden.
Keeping in mind that shouldering a burden doesn't mean solving it; it means simply to help carry it. Men usually have more trouble with this than women, because we naturally want to fix things. But this, of course, is impossible. It's a burden precisely because we can't fix it. No one can except God, and he for some reason unknown to us has chosen not to.
Then there's the second part: If I'm going to bear up under someone else's burden, I've got to be willing to take whatever they've got. Sometimes the very nature of a burden is that it is something we don't want anyone to know - a dark secret that does not want to be told. This is exactly why we bear too much alone; we have too much to hide and too much at stake.
My new friend's invitation cut through all of this self-protection. “Not too much surprises me anymore,” he said. In essence, he was leaving an open door on telling him anything. If our relationships are shallow, it is because they are defined by what is comfortable. We live by unwritten laws not to rock the boat while we drift by each other, waving casually from our respective sinking ships.
The reality of a relationship is measured by the level of truth about yourself you are willing to impart to another person. And if you have someone who does not require you to measure everything before you say it, you have a real friend

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Home! I really am glad to be back. AZ was beautiful however the dust and sand were just to much. I missed having grass to walk on and the kids staynig clean. I must say that God's mountians were specatular. Everything out there seemed to have teeth. The plants, the bugs, everything. It was so amazing to hear and see different kinds of God's handiwork. And I do have to thank God for keeping us all safe on the plane ride there and back. I had to cling to Him a lot on the flight out the turbulance was awful but He was strong when I was weak and He helped me make it a fun trip for the kids instead of seeing me freak out. God is awesome not only in the beauty He surounds us with daily but in His loving care for us daily as well.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Life is amazing!

God is so amazing! Even when I stumble and fall and don't learn the first time He is patient to teach me! And I totally love spring! I love seeing all the new life and beauty that comes out in the spring. I see my life like that. I am so dead and ugly and each day little tiny changes take place and then one day I will be beautiful. And it does not stop there, the trees flower to in some way reproduce either with the pollen to make new seeds or to grow fruit that in the end has the seeds! It is so exciting to see His beauty and it just blesses my soul daily. I have been watching and amazed at the trees and nature in general come alive and be beautiful! That is my praise and my prayer! That God is changing me into something beautiful from something dead and that I will continue to grow and change and share His love!

Saturday, April 08, 2006