Friday, May 09, 2008

Prayer Journal and stuff...

OK, still not sure where I am going but I did have the idea to get a Parent Prayer Journal so that I can keep track of things.
So here is how I am setting up my journal (which is just a spiral notebook left over from my kids school supplies)...

  • I broke it down into four sections (as time goes on this might change), one for my daughter, one for my son, one for the other children and families that I will be praying for, and one for myself and the things God does in my life.

  • I plan on each entry having a date, the request, and then space to leave for updates and answers to prayer.

Also along this journey I am going to try to share what we are doing with our kids, like what devotion books we use, our church stuff, our routines etc. Because I feel that there is not a lot of this out there for me. I will also try to post encouraging things that come across, or books that I think have been helpful. I certainly have not perfected in any way this process and as a working mom not sure of my time management but we will just take one step at a time together.

As I found out when I read the Power of a praying wife, that God does a lot of changing of me which then allows Him to do whatever needs done to my husband. I am expecting this book to be a lot of the same. Which is exciting to see become the mom that my kids need instead of trying to force my kids to be the kids I want them to be.

I meet tonight with the first set of parents that wants to join me on this journey. They will get their copy of the book and I am going to give us two weeks to get through the first chapter as we both lead very busy full lives and I do not want this to become overwhelming in any way. That way we have time to set up our journals and see where God is going to take us.

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