Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Life is amazing!

God is so amazing! Even when I stumble and fall and don't learn the first time He is patient to teach me! And I totally love spring! I love seeing all the new life and beauty that comes out in the spring. I see my life like that. I am so dead and ugly and each day little tiny changes take place and then one day I will be beautiful. And it does not stop there, the trees flower to in some way reproduce either with the pollen to make new seeds or to grow fruit that in the end has the seeds! It is so exciting to see His beauty and it just blesses my soul daily. I have been watching and amazed at the trees and nature in general come alive and be beautiful! That is my praise and my prayer! That God is changing me into something beautiful from something dead and that I will continue to grow and change and share His love!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Hey girl! How's it??